Clean responsive site for a tax prep and accounting company in Sioux Falls, South Dakota.
Van Peursem CPA is a small, passionate team that provides tax and accounting services in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. VP approached Eden to create the new start up’s identity and website that would not only have top-class aesthetics, but have exceptional functionality and simplicity. For the web presence, we decided to design a one page website that was content-rich and highlighted the company’s services, philosophy, and staff bios. Eden was able to complete the main objective of creating a platform that could easily be expanded upon in the future. To bring visual elements to life, HTML5, CSS3, and jQuery were utilized to deliver a site with the latest web technologies. The services sections are switched by applying a class to the element and transitioned using CSS3 transitions. This WordPress driven site allows the user, with little or no programming knowledge, to add, edit, or delete content with a few clicks. As always, we ensure the UX was withheld on all mobile devices by making the site responsive.
#Animated #Big Images #Clean #CSS3 #Fixed Navigation #Flat #HTML5 #Icons #Minimal #Responsive #Simple #Smooth Scroll #Web Fonts
2 years ago
4 years ago