Nice interactive educational site for the ‘Creatures of Morningside Park’. This site is simple with the animals you would find in Morningside Park, and info boxes when you click on them.
This one page site is an interactive illustration featuring several animals often seen near the pond at Morningside Park in New York City and shows how they are linked in a complex and fragile urban ecosystem. The recently completed piece is designed to cultivate a sense of citizen stewardship of New York City’s natural resources. I worked with scientists from the New York City Department of Parks and Recreation’s Mid-Atlantic Regional Seed Bank to help define the scope and depth of the content. The site will be shown and used in New York City schools and the public library.
The site was built in CSS, HTML5 and JavaScript using Adobe’s Edge Animate. Working with detailed illustrations and having to optimize them and make them look good in a responsive environment was a challenge. The project is meant to provide an overview of New York City’s urban ecosystem through the use of illustration, simple rollovers showcasing more detailed information lent itself well to this form of interactive storytelling.
#Black and White #Fixed Navigation #Illustrations #Informational #Interactive #Responsive
10 years ago
11 years ago