Simple one page portfolio by Terence Lucas Yap. His site is responsive and uses ajax to pull the portfolio items. Very clean and simple, how it should be.
G’day! How are you? The website was built using Bootstrap as its framework and Sass syntax for its style sheet. The portfolio section pulls json data using ajax. The flip effect has fallback for IE browsers. The biggest hurdle while building this site was to meet certain accessibility criteria, especially for keyboard only devices. After the website had launched, a user highlighted to me that he could not view the portfolio images using his keyboard. In the end I had to debug and rewrite certain parts of the JavaScript code; tedious but ultimately satisfying; and I am also very thankful for his comments. I added a JavaScript script that greets the user differently based on the time of the day just for fun. =)
#Ajax #Big Images #Clean #CSS3 #Flat #Grid #HTML5 #Minimal #Responsive #Simple
Terence Lucas Yap
2 years ago
7 years ago