Clean one pager for ‘Relio’, a new little light with stand and all. Lot’s of time and consideration went into their website, and it shows… nice work.
Relio is a professional, tiny light with Sun-like color rendering. We made **the product** and **the website**. It’s a startup project by three young italian guys: us! Totally Made in Italy (with great love)!
The website is made to be pixel-perfect on desktops, tablets and mobile phones.
Try it on your iPad! It uses several tricks to lighten resource loading and data transfer size. We used vector graphics as much as possible, and animations are 100% done on GPU-side (thanks to css3 translations) to enable subpixel-rendering and extreme smoothness. Page scroll is silk-smooth thanks to a custom-developed plugin that uses RequestAnimationFrame callback. We used media queries **without discrete steps** (not resolution-bound) that take into account the **smallest size** between width and height to change text-size. Everything inside the DOM is liquid (sized in EMs), and every javascript plugin is crafted to handle liquid containers. Vector animations are animated with serveral tecniques, ranging from SIML to canvas rendering (thanks to third-party libraries). The site is made to be compatible with portrait and landscape viewports.
#Animated #Clean #Colorful #CSS3 #HTML5 #Icons #Illustrations #Responsive #Simple #Smooth Scroll #Typography #Web Fonts
Relio Team
2 years ago
4 years ago