‘Freelancer’ is a free on page template available to download. This is a great starter template you can definitely build off of, it’s using Boostrap so you know it will be a piece of cake customizing to make your own, or something to play with to get familiar with Twitter’s framework.
Freelancer is a one page Bootstrap portfolio theme for freelancers. This theme is built using the Flatly theme by Bootswatch.
Features: Flat icons by flaticons.com, LESS files and compiled CSS included, Fixed top navigation that collapses on scroll, Scrollspy on navigation items, Perfectly responsive portfolio grid with hover effects, Responsive, full screen modal windows for featuring project details Custom horizontal rules using Font Awesome icons, Custom outline button style, Mobile friendly contact form with floating form labels,Easy to edit PHP file to make the contact form send messages, Includes jqBootstrapValidation plugin for contact form validation.
11 years ago
11 years ago